The market continues to take off, and the positions continue to rise straight. If you follow the idea, you can really make money! The midnight idea is clear and obvious. The closing of the needle is the end of the downward trend! The watershed has been firmly stepped on. The low position continues to close the cross star and continues to be optimistic about the counterattack. All have been verified!
64500 directly long, look up to 66600 in advance, open to the public, close your eyes and get on the car at midnight, open your eyes and receive 1500 points, and then continue to notify the long after the consolidation ends. It is now around 67000 again. In the morning, it fell 1200 points more. This wave of strong rebound is not an exaggeration to get the highest point from the lowest point! #美国以太坊现货ETF开始交易 #比特币大会 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #山寨季何时到来? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? $BTC $ETH
The current daily chart closed with a long lower lead and closed with a big positive at 8 am. The butterfly range of the previous few days has been recovered. The bulls are very strong. The trend has been reflected. The short-term is still continuing to explore. The intraday has been backtested and is mainly bullish.
Cake 66600-66300 more, looking up to 67800