2024.7.26 Funds: 47256U

Today's funds rose slightly, and we are seeking progress in stability.

Recently, the number of currencies held has begun to decrease. Most currencies are in the stage of hedging transactions. In this case, they will take profits from the volatile market. I personally think that hedging positions is a good risk avoidance.

Because most currencies will rise or fall. When they reach a certain point, they will reverse. If you use the hedging method, when you reach the point, you will close a part of the current profit direction. Profits will be generated at the moment of reversal. After all, most currencies will not rise all the time.

Of course, you can also use hedging to maintain profits. When the currency rises to a certain stage, the probability of a callback will be very high. At this time, you can open a short order and use the short order to maintain the current profit when the callback occurs.

When the support level is reached, the short order is closed, and the profit is maintained. The probability of rising after the callback will increase again. At this time, you can continue to sprint for profits.

Hedging can also save your funds in extreme market conditions. For example, when a currency continues to rise and breaks through the pressure level very strongly, you have already suffered losses if you hold short orders. At this time, you have two options: one is to hold orders, and the other is to hedge.

Hedging can stabilize the current position, and the hedging method makes trading more flexible. Of course, this method is also more difficult to operate. If it is not operated well, it will cause both long and short positions to explode, accelerating death!

Yesterday, my brother gave me feedback that the current public domain transactions are too stable. I recommended him to use my private domain, because the volatility of the private domain is more aggressive in my transactions, and it is also starting to rebound and hit new highs again.

Yesterday, I also bought 0.54 BNB with Xian U. I feel that it is better to buy BNB on dips, because it can be used as a golden shovel, can be used to offset the handling fee, and it also has room for growth. Contract trading by yourself also requires consumption. The technique to reduce the handling fee is to use BNB and rebate. Don't underestimate this and think that a little money doesn't matter. Yugong moved the mountains and Jingwei filled the sea. Especially for those who play contracts, it is recommended to do it.

Current holdings:


Endurance is better than brains. If you are not ready to endure the pain, then leave. Don't expect to be an ever-victorious general. To succeed, you must be ruthless