Recently, the cryptocurrency market has been volatile, like a roller coaster, which makes people anxious. However, this seemingly drastic price change is actually just a normal callback phenomenon after hitting the pressure level. Take a certain personal account as an example. Despite the so-called "big drop" in the market, its profit is still stable at around 300,000, which is enough to reveal that the actual market fluctuations are not as drastic as they appear. The main funds use this apparent drastic fluctuation to cleverly confuse retail investors and make them make wrong judgments.

Before the launch of Ethereum ETF and other good news, the market was worried that it might cause a surge, causing many retail investors to rush to chase the rise, fearing that they would miss the opportunity. However, when the price fell back, these retail investors quickly changed their attitudes, began to worry about being locked in, and were eager to sell at a loss. This is exactly the market reaction that the main funds expect. They precisely manipulate market sentiment to make retail investors lose their way in the pursuit of rising and falling prices, thereby achieving their market manipulation goals.

For those retail investors who originally believed that good news would be bad news, the main funds took advantage of the situation and let the price fall, further strengthening their bearish beliefs. And those retail investors who still had confidence in the market were frightened by the sharp drop after chasing the rise, and chose to sell at a loss and leave the market, thus reducing the pressure on the market and providing more room for the subsequent operations of the main funds.

However, after an in-depth analysis of the market trend, we can find that the overall trend of the market has not changed due to these short-term fluctuations. Whether it is Bitcoin or Ethereum, its highs and lows are gradually rising, and the retracement level after the decline is gradually increasing. At the same time, the downward trend line has been broken, and the phenomenon of large-volume rise and small-volume pullback has appeared alternately. These important market signals all show that the current upward trend is still solid, and the short-term pullback is just a normal performance of the market ready to go.

Therefore, we cannot confuse long-term benefits with short-term trends. The launch of the Ethereum ETF means that funds from the traditional stock market are continuously flowing into the cryptocurrency market, which is a double benefit from both the capital and policy aspects. This long-term benefit will have a profound impact on the cryptocurrency market and promote the long-term rise of the market. Short-term market corrections are just normal market fluctuations. We need to learn to accept the ups and downs of the market and not be confused by short-term fluctuations.

In the market, smart people often try to link unrelated things together and thus fall into the trap of major funds. They pay too much attention to short-term price fluctuations and ignore the essential laws and long-term trends of the market. After in-depth analysis, we can clearly realize that the positive landing of Ethereum ETF is not a negative, but an important driving force for the long-term rise of the cryptocurrency market.

Therefore, we need to keep a cool head and analyze the market trend rationally. In the cryptocurrency market full of opportunities and challenges, only those investors who can accurately judge the market trend and rationally respond to market fluctuations can be invincible. We should focus on the long-term trend and fundamental changes of the market, rather than being confused by short-term price fluctuations. Only in this way can we achieve long-term success in the cryptocurrency market.

Come on, people in the cryptocurrency circle.