What do you need to make money quickly in the cryptocurrency circle?

Cryptocurrency circle technology and luck are both indispensable!

Don’t be obsessed with technology, and don’t be ignorant of technology:

Technical analysis is one of the best ways to help you follow the cycle. When luck comes, when the bull market comes, technology is your golden bracelet and your weapon for gold mining.

But many people are unlucky and die before the big bull comes, so technology is not of much use.

To make big money in the cryptocurrency market, it is not based on how awesome your technology is, how hard you work, or how much you want to get rich.

It depends on the cycle, the bull market, the bubble, and the wind that can make money after buying, and you happen to know some technical methods.

It happens that your technology can let you grasp some luck, and you will take off in one wave.

So I often say that now is to learn more, read more books, review more, and cultivate your own trading system.

Wait for the wind, wait for luck, wait for the bull market, and you will turn over in one wave if you catch it.