Three major black swan events in the history of the cryptocurrency circle:

On September 4, 2017, the cryptocurrency circle encountered an unprecedented low. On that day, ICO was strictly prohibited, multiple projects were forced to withdraw, digital currency exchanges were also closed, a large number of investors fled the market, and the currency value plummeted.

312 Black Swan: A life-and-death contest in the market shock

In March 2020, the cryptocurrency circle once again experienced a thrilling plunge. On March 8, the market was originally prosperous, and the prices of Ethereum and Bitcoin remained stable. However, just a few days later, the situation took a sharp turn for the worse. On March 9, the first circuit breaker in the U.S. stock market caused market panic, and the prices of Ethereum and Bitcoin fell sharply.

5.19 Cryptocurrency Circle Shock

On the night of 518, the central bank took action, and the currency circle changed color!

I believe everyone still remembers the currency circle on 519.

Bitcoin was halved, falling all the way to $29,000; Ethereum was even worse, plummeting from $4,300 to $2,700; and those niche currencies were even more precarious, almost on the verge of extinction.