We are in a sensitive period and it is easy to lose money.

Losing money here is not just about trading at a loss or losing everything by playing futures, but also a huge trap called: Kols and the gang.

Anyone who surfs#Xand is observant will see that the closer you get to bull run, the more content like:

1⃣ I have won the bet x50-100 times..

2⃣ From xx million, I bet on xxx billion thanks to abc bet

3⃣ I have a younger brother, older brother, uncle... participating in the airdrop, going to the pool early...blala bet xyz and got more than 200 tubs.

The harsh truth is that all of the above content is not real and was created for the purpose of attracting and luring readers into a certain group.

The most sophisticated is case number 3⃣. This team will use 1-2#Xaccounts with many followers and then tag a team member with the content of betting to win xnxx.

When reading the above content, you often have thoughts like:

- "oh, this guy is so good"!

- Follow it to see what it does?

- Check which gr it is in...blala

Of course, opening a group to get referrals is not bad and it's an old game.

Currently, there are teams willing to hire devs to create memes and shitcoins and then use the above tricks to attract players.

First is sharing knowledge combined with earning referrals. When the trust level increases and the market starts to get exciting, they will create memes, shitcoins, shill NFTs and carry out a campaign to bully everyone in the group.

In fact, many kols did these games last season and succeeded, becoming billionaires after just 1 coin season.

In this cycle, when the market is about to enter the strongest wave, everything continues, except that the scale is much larger.

So everyone, please be alert and know how to protect your wallet.#crypto#dđungudinh