$cati's advantages and valuation

Let's talk about $cati's advantages first

1. The $not project was actually quite fud at the time, but with the cooperation of Binance and Ton, it fought a beautiful battle, with the highest FDV reaching 2.6 billion. Now it still has 1.4 billion, and everyone is very happy to cooperate. $cati has now been invested in two rounds by Ton and another round led by Binance. It can be said that this is the second cooperation between the two companies. It will definitely be replicated, and it is even likely to be surpassed.

2. $not's number of users and first-mover advantage are its strengths, but I don't think it has locked in its leading position, because it itself has no particularly strong points.

$cati is small and beautiful. Although the function is simple, I think the design and other aspects are the benchmark for current small games. The meme attribute of cats, as well as the small game platform, etc., have a bigger imagination in the future. Note that I didn't say that $cati can grab the leader of $not. I just said that the gap between them will not be as big as the first and second dragons in other tracks.

3. $cati has nearly 20 million players recharged in the game. Most players are really hanging around for 24 hours and have been hanging for several months. It can be said that the investment in $cati is far more than $not. The more investment, the stronger the consensus.

Then let's evaluate

Let's calculate according to FDV. I think in the short term, the upper limit of $cati may slightly flip $not. Let's calculate 3 billion, and the lower limit should not be much lower than the current value of $not, which is 1 billion. Then the total amount of $cati is 1 billion, so the valuation comes to 1-3 dollars. Of course, the premise of all this is that it can really be listed on Binance. If it fails to be listed on Binance due to some small probability event, then at least this valuation should be divided by 2.

Bitget just opened before the market today, and it is now a little more than 0.4, which is reasonable. After all, many people don't know $cati that well. I bought a little bit for fun, hoping to be blessed.