If ordinary people want financial freedom? Want to cross classes? How can you cross classes without the thinking of a banker?

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The cruel fact of this world is that the probability of realizing financial freedom by knowing bubbles, joining bubbles, and pyramid selling bubbles is greater than that of doing practical things. If you can't be a banker and can't make a game, you have to accept the reality that you may not be financially free

To achieve financial freedom before the age of 30, either you are lucky enough to stand at the outlet passively, or you are lucky enough to participate in the creation of the outlet

Being a banker is the best way to achieve wealth transfer within the rules of the game, and it is a legal "robbery" and "cheating". For example, when a shopping mall attracts investment, the shopping mall is the banker, and small brands are often at a disadvantage. If you can't become an advantageous banker, you can first be a small banker to accumulate chips, or seize the opponent's weaknesses to gain a local advantage and turn over

Being a banker is essentially making a game, such as market value management, primary market investment, etc. Being a banker is different from speculation. Being a banker has a greater chance of winning, but it requires high resource integration capabilities.

To judge whether to be a "banker" or a "leek", it depends on whether you can be in the position of a banker in a zero-sum game. Many business models allow small B to enter the game to be a banker.

The most important thing about "being a banker" is interpretability. Don't give others the opportunity to infringe on your own interests. Even if a real expert seems to have entered someone else's game, he is still the banker in the end.

For example, in Texas Hold'em, masters can take advantage of the mistakes of rookies. There are also cases in business wars where micro-operations are used to make opponents lose their composure, such as the operation of Shi Chengwei in the merger of Didi and Kuaidi.

When facing difficulties, Musk returned to the position of banker through bluffing. Being a banker means making things complicated to make it easier to harvest leeks. For example, digital currency and the metaverse are addictive. Capital operation makes money easily, but it is impossible to make entities.

Everything within the light cone is fate. If you can't be a banker or a banker, then you have to accept the reality that you may not be financially free in this life.

After a market cycle, many people can reach a million from zero, and two cycles may reach tens of millions.

This is suitable for all those who are willing to work in the field of cryptocurrency for a long time.

This period is indeed a good opportunity for layout.

The market has stabilized, and Congge will start to layout the spot currency that he has studied for a long time.

This is expected to have an increase of more than 30%.

If you like spot and have u to layout

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