It is now July 24, 2024, and the currency circle is currently in the middle of a bull market.

It is expected that the currency circle will usher in the most intense pull in 25 years, for the following reasons:

1. The interest rate cut at the end of 24 years will provide sufficient liquidity support for the market in 25 years!

The rise in prices cannot be separated from the support of funds. If the market generally lacks funds, what is the big bull market?

Just like now, why does Bitcoin rise to around 70,000 and never go up? I think: From 30,000 to 70,000 in one breath, it really consumes too much market funds, and the lack of more liquidity will lead to the current situation. 70,000 to more than 100,000, the funds consumed are huge!

This is also the reason why the general rise of cottages is not strong enough and the decline is huge. Bitcoin and Ethereum have consumed a lot of long funds, and cottages have little liquidity to promote the rise!

So if the currency circle wants to wait for the violent bull market, it may be possible to start after the interest rate cut is officially implemented!

2. The landing of BTC and ETH ETFs brings traditional funds to the currency circle, that is, old money, and only recognizes BTC.

At this stage, ETFs for Bitcoin and Ethereum have been listed. We can see that institutions led by BlackRock and Fidelity continue to buy Bitcoin. Old institutions only recognize Bitcoin and Ethereum. Traditional funds will not choose to buy altcoins at all. Therefore, in the mid-term of the bull market, they are limited by the lack of liquidity and the risk preference of old funds: only buy BTC ETH.

This will cause a phenomenon: BTC and ETH rise sharply, the altcoins rise, BTC pullback, and the altcoins fall sharply! This is a typical performance in the mid-term of the bull market.

When the expectations of ETFs are fully implemented, the old funds have fully built positions, and BTC rises to 80,000 or even 90,000, market funds and institutions will be free to operate the altcoins. You will see the arrival of the altcoin season, that is, when you buy a hundred times the coin. Now the main force will only hype Bitcoin!

Remember Bitcoin, if you can't create new highs continuously, the big bull market of altcoins will not come!

3. The altcoins rise for a short time, the increase is rapid, and the decline is huge. You must bet on the track in advance:

The altcoin season is short and fast. Generally, the increase will be completed in 3 months, and the later period is the peak stage. So don’t fantasize about holding a copycat forever. You must ambush in advance and be prepared to take profits at any time.

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