bookmaker.XYZ – Decentralized Betting Platform by Azuro Protocol

What is bookmaker.XYZ?

Welcome to the enigma that is bookmaker.XYZ! You might be scratching your head, wondering what it’s all about. Believe it or not, bookmaker.XYZ is NOT a bookmaker. Intrigued yet? You can place your bets and potentially win here, but there’s no “house,” “bookmaker,” or “sportsbook” to wage against you.

Now, let’s throw a curveball: unlike traditional bookmakers where you need to deposit your funds before you can bet, bookmaker.XYZ eliminates the hassle of deposits and withdrawals. When you place a bet, your money is securely locked into blockchain smart contracts with pre-determined outcomes. As soon as the game or event concludes, the contract paves the way for you to redeem your winnings, granted you’ve got the winning ticket.

At, your money stays yours – always. It’s a far cry from bookmakers like bet365, WilliamHill, DraftKings,, and their ilk, where you’re required to deposit money to bet. With, your bets are securely stored in blockchain smart contracts, and once the game or event is over, you can claim your winnings, if Lady Luck is on your side.

But how can such a marvel be possible, you ask? The answer lies in the pioneering power of Azuro, a cutting-edge protocol for decentralized betting. Bookmaker.XYZ is the first betting site to be powered by Azuro, redefining the landscape of online betting and taking the gambling world by storm. Essentially, bookmaker.XYZ is the next generation of betting!

Why bookmaker.XYZ?

Built on the Azuro Protocol, bookmaker.XYZ is a revolutionary decentralized betting platform that aspires to become a cross-chain ecosystem. With support for both Polygon (MATIC) and Gnosis Chain (xDAI), the platform offers a powerful user interface for placing bets.

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