As a post-90s, I deeply feel that our generation is too pitiful, and is the generation that is fleeced by society:

- Before we were born, we experienced family planning, and most of us were only children.

- After we were born, there was education reform, various expansions, and academic qualifications were worthless.

- After graduating from college, we faced the peak number of college graduates in the country, and it was difficult to find a job.

- After earning some money, the first thing we did was to buy a house, invest in real estate with super high prices, and take on a 30-year loan. If we bought an unfinished building, the money was basically equal to no earnings.

- A marriage often costs hundreds of thousands of betrothal gifts, which drains the family's wealth.

- Having a baby, the cost of raising it is the highest, from kindergarten to university, and the average cost is one million.

- At the age of 35, the unemployment wave followed, and white-collar workers all went down to work as security guards, cleaners, nannies, Didi express delivery and takeout.

- Want to go back to the countryside? You think too much! Rural reform, various demolitions and changes, it is basically impossible for you to grow some land in the countryside to be self-sufficient.

-- Now, the policy of delayed retirement has also come, just in time for all those born in the 1990s to delay retirement by 5 years.

-- The most interesting thing is that actuaries calculate that people will retire at 65, but they will die before 67, and pensions are nothing!

So many people start to worry when they see the news of "delayed retirement", but there is no need to worry at all, because delayed retirement only means that people can only receive pensions at the age of 65, and there is no guarantee that people will still have a job until the age of 65...

The world is a huge makeshift team. Either you work hard and change your mindset to jump out of this team, or you lie down and be a simple and happy salted fish that can be slaughtered by others!