Author: Jussy.sol

Translated by Alex Liu, Foresight News

What is @infinex_app ?

Infinex is a cross-chain wallet that supports major EVM chains and Solana, eliminating the hassle of using multiple wallets, paying gas, and cross-chain.

It uses Passkey to ensure security, and assets can be restored without a password or mnemonic. It is a self-custodial wallet, ensuring that the assets always belong to you.

Application Integration

The best of DeFi in one app:

Thanks to the composability and permissionless nature of on-chain protocols, Infinex brings together the hottest and most interesting DeFi projects from the Ethereum and Solana ecosystems in one place.


Use Passkey to secure your app and unlock it with biometrics:

Infinex accounts are protected by “Passkey” – the gold standard for passwordless encryption security. Accounts can be safely restored, so you never have to worry about losing your mnemonic phrase. This is a significant improvement in user experience. Now if you want to log in to an account on the chain, you only need to use your mobile phone to scan your face/fingerprint recognition.

Craterun Airdrop

Infinex launched Craterun, an activity where users can "earn boxes" by depositing assets.

The box includes Patron NFTs, passes, boosts, and $5 million in ecosystem rewards.

There is less than a week left in the event, and there are still some big prizes left in the ecosystem airdrop that have not been awarded (such as 400 million BONK, about 10,000 USDT).

Deposited assets may also receive token airdrops in the future, but the tokens have not yet been launched. (Currently, GP, governance points can be received)

How to participate

  • Go to the App portal, submit your username and create a new Passkey to create an account.

  • Go to Settings, enable Funds Recovery and submit a recovery address for future withdrawals.

  • Go to "Deposit", select the network and deposit tokens to the generated deposit address.

  • Click "Stake" to start earning boxes.

  • Prizes will be awarded after the Craterun event ends.

  • The event will end at 8:00 am Beijing time on July 30.

How to withdraw funds

On the home page, go to Wallet

  • Click to withdraw and unlock with Passkey

  • Funds will be sent to the wallet added in settings

[Note: You can withdraw funds at any time and the funds are not locked]