【Avarik Saga】【Zero-cost Airdrop】

1. Project Introduction:

Avarik Saga is led by Infinity Ventures Crypto, Morningstar Ventures, and East Ventures. It is a blockchain-based Japanese role-playing game that uses NFT to generate characters and uses in-game currency. Its vision is to create a player-centric, story-centric game that integrates turn-based strategy with character-building gameplay.

2. Participation method:

1. In Figure 1, sign in daily, follow X, forward and other simple tasks to win participation times;

2. In Figure 2, find the module "Free To Play" and click "Earning Potential" to enter

3. In Figure 3, click the "Roll Dice!" button in the lower right corner to shake the sieve to win daily points

3. Participation link:


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