The vigorous "national movement" of limiting transfers is still escalating, affecting hundreds of millions of people. In the past, you used your mobile phone to transfer 50,000 or 100,000 yuan, and the money would arrive in half a minute. But now, the bank has blocked the limit, and mobile transfers can only be up to 5,000 or 10,000 yuan.

​In the recent hot searches, some people's limit was even reduced to 500 yuan. 500 yuan is not enough to pay the rent. Bank staff came out to explain that this was all for the good of everyone, to ensure the safety of the funds in the card and to prevent fraud. In a word: it's all for your own good.

​Telecom fraud must be cracked down on, but the problem is that no country in the world deals with fraudsters by limiting the limit of national transfers. Even if there is a need for anti-fraud, it should not form an institutional regulation that infringes on the daily use rights of individuals without permission and excessively disturbs the normal lives of the people.

​The "Commercial Bank Law" stipulates that deposits are voluntary and withdrawals are free. Why do banks unilaterally breach the contract?

​Of course, banks also have their own "little tricks". On the one hand, by limiting the transfer amount, banks can keep users' deposits in their own accounts for as long as possible; on the other hand, reducing the amount does not require the consent of the person concerned, and can be done remotely, but increasing the amount requires the person to carry this and that, and make a hard trip, so that the deserted bank counter can reach users again. ​As for how much trouble it brings to users, they may not care so much. If there is no difficulty, create difficulties, and "solve" difficulties.