Tuesday has passed, but I didn't see the overall market still fluctuating in the range. I have been talking about low-to-long positions since I entered the market, and the market is very cooperative! In the evening, I talked about being firmly bullish around 66,000. The 1,000-point rebound was closed as expected, and I took the students to go short again. Although there are fewer posts today, there are all that should be posted. The public two-to-long positions have won a total of 1,700 points. So this kind of market is a good time to accumulate positions, and there are also those who are not sure about the direction🉑DD#美国以太坊现货ETF开始交易 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #山寨季何时到来? #美国PCE数据将公布 $BTC $ETH #比特币大会

At the current 4-hour level, the red energy column has released a huge amount and has almost fallen. There is not much room below. It can be treated as low-to-long positions in the evening.

Big pie 66000-65800, up to 67500+

No arrangement will be made during the period of Auntie controlling the market.