The idea of ​​rolling positions itself is not risky. Not only is it risk-free, but it is also one of the most correct ideas for futures trading. The risky part is leverage. You can roll with 10x leverage, and 1x leverage is also acceptable. I usually use 2x or 3x. If I catch it twice, won’t I get dozens of times the same return? At worst, you can use 0.1x or 0.2x. What does this have to do with rolling positions? This is obviously a question of your own leverage choice. I have never told you to operate with high leverage.

And I have always emphasized that only one-fifth of your own money is invested in the currency circle, and only one-tenth of the money is invested in spot futures. At this time, the funds for futures only account for 2% of your total funds. At the same time, futures only use 2x or 3x leverage, and only play Bitcoin, which can be said to reduce the risk to an extremely low level.

Would you feel bad if 20,000 yuan was lost from 1 million yuan?

It is meaningless to always use leverage. Some people have always said that rolling positions is risky and making money is just luck. I am not saying this to convince you. It is meaningless to convince others. I just hope that people with the same trading philosophy can play together.

It's just that there is no screening mechanism at present, and there are always harsh voices that interfere with the recognition of those who want to watch.

Observation: bnx, xrp, alice, people, pepe.....

Follow my rhythm for details👈

Follow the devil if you like spot or contract.

The market is temporarily stable, and the news is very important

The devil has recently ambushed a potential coin that is ready to explode.

Leave below: 888. Wu Chang will take you! Click on my avatar and take a closer look!

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