A 46-year-old man in Zhejiang saw a very pretty 20-year-old girl in a bar. He pretended to be a big boss and wanted to support the girl with 60,000 yuan. The girl agreed immediately. The two came to the rental house and had sex. Afterwards, the man stuffed a bag full of money into the drawer. Unexpectedly, when the man left, the girl opened the bag and found 50,000 ghost money inside! The girl was desperate. She couldn't believe that she was deceived to such a terrible extent. The ghost money in front of her seemed to laugh at her stupidity and naivety, making her feel extremely ashamed and helpless. She thought she had found a way out of poverty, but now she fell into a deeper quagmire. She didn't know how to explain this to the people around her, let alone how to face the future life. However, she did not choose to give up and despair. She knew that she had to find a way out for herself and cheer up again. So she decided to find a way to help and confide her experience to her friends and relatives around her, hoping to get their support and help. With the help of her friends and relatives, the girl reported the case to the police and revealed the true identity of the fraudster. The police quickly launched an investigation and eventually brought the man to justice. Although the girl could not get real compensation, at least she got justice for herself and sounded a warning to other people who might be victims.