Today we are going to take a look at a very popular project recently, which is Banana gun. Its Ethereum burning in Q2 ranked third, burning 2,200 Ethereums, surpassing metamask. It is actually a bit similar to the unibot mentioned before, both of which are trading robots on telegram. Currently, the total transaction volume is 5 billion, the total number of users is 200,000, the daily active users are 6,000, and the average daily transaction volume is 22 million.


At present, the project’s price is still rising rapidly. It was at its lowest at 5 in October last year, and is now at 59, which is a 10-fold increase. The current market value is 190 million US dollars, and almost 32% of the volume has been unlocked.


Banana Gun

Welcome to Banana Gun, a Telegram bot that allows users to snap up upcoming projects or safely buy tokens that are already live. Like Unibot, Banana Gun is a Telegram bot that helps users snipe contracts to quickly acquire tokens. The most famous feature is the Sniper function, which is expected to become the user's preferred sniper and manual buyer on Ethereum.


·  Automatic purchaser

Manual Trader

·  Anti-rug protection

Private transactions

Sandwich protection

·  Reorg protection


Function Description


1. First Bundle or Fail (FoF)

If it is green, it is on. When enabled, Banana Gun will always target the first buy at the start of a trade. It can only be used as the first pack at block 0. This feature recommends at least 10 participating wallets to work effectively.


- The more wallets that participate in "First Pack or Fail", the higher your chances of grabbing the first buy!

- This feature is not applicable for MEV (Miner Extractable Value) release and Deadblock release.

2. First or Failure (FoF) backup

FoF is not triggered on MEV release or Deadblock release, but if the user has backup enabled, it will buy in block 1 on MEV release and in the first safe block on Deadblock release. In this case, it uses the user's backup miner tip.

NOTE: It will use FoF to backup miner tips instead of automatically sniping miner tips!

3. Slippage

This feature allows a normal range of 0-99% for releases with no maximum trading limit. It allows the price to fluctuate or fail within this range.

4. Degen Mode

With this feature enabled, users can participate in insider trading that is posted in a "honeypot" format to discourage bot users. If a user enables this setting, the bot will ignore the security tax setting and buy even if the token cannot be sold. Users can quickly toggle this feature by typing /degen in the sniper bot.

5. MaxTx or Fallback

By enabling this feature, users can limit risk tolerance and only allow the bot to buy when the maximum transaction does not exceed the user's maximum spend amount. If the token does not have a maximum transaction set, this feature will be ignored.

For example: the MaxTx of a token is 2%, and the maximum spend set by the user is 0.1 ETH. If the value of 2% exceeds 0.1 ETH when the user purchases, the user's transaction will be rolled back (GAS will be consumed).

6.Min (minimum token)

The user can set a minimum percentage or amount of tokens the user wants to buy, allowing the bot to buy at least this amount at the user's maximum spend.

For example: If a user sets MinTokens to 1% and Max Spend to 0.1 ETH, the purchase will fail if the user's Max Spend is not enough to purchase at least 1%.

7. Anti-Rug

If the user wants to front-run without anti-rug enabled, they can turn it off. If the tax exceeds the user's security tax setting or the developer attempts to rug the token (anything that makes it impossible for an investor to sell), Banana Gun will attempt to front-run and sell the user's tokens.

8. Blacklist transfer

If the user wants to snap up without blacklist transfers enabled, they can turn it off. If the developer attempts to blacklist a user's wallet, Banana Gun will call the blacklist transfer function and send the user's tokens to the "transfer wallet", as long as it is enabled.

9. Pre-approval

The default setting is to approve the purchased tokens after the rush. In this case, after successfully purchasing the tokens, it will approve the tokens in the next block and the user can sell them in the second block. If the user wants to sell the purchased tokens in block 1 or block 2, the tokens can be pre-approved.

10. Sniper Settings

Click this button if the user wishes to change the settings used when sniping.

IMPORTANT: Any settings changed here will only affect this sniper. All other pending sniper settings will not be changed, the new sniper will use the settings from the main setup.

data analysis


It can be seen that the transaction volume and fees have suddenly increased, especially since May. The daily transaction volume is over 20 million. On June 3, it was as high as 36.6 million (Ethereum 32.40, SOL 2.7 million, Base 1.4 million). The fee is also 1 million per day, and it was as high as 3 million on June 3.



The current total volume is 5.3 billion US dollars, with 218,000 users, 8.5 million transactions, 5,414 daily active users, and 40,000 transactions per day.

If we calculate based on the current daily revenue of 1 million USD, the annual revenue is 360 million USD, so the current market value of only 190 million is definitely an underestimation. Because if you calculate the PE ratio of 10 times, it is about 3.6 billion. Considering that FDV currently has 600 million bananas, there is a big difference, and it is still in an underestimation range!

Token Economy

The current total amount of tokens is 10,000,000, with 3,220,000 in circulation, a circulation rate of 32%, and the current exchange rate is 420 USD. From the distribution, we can see that the holders hold 22.2%, liquidity holds 1.7%, airdrops hold 1.2%, the team holds 10%, burning holds 1%, and the foundation holds 63.8% (will be locked for two years, and will be linearly released to the main users, banana bouns).


Token holders profit sharing

BANANA holders can get revenue share on the Banana dApp. The revenue share will come from 40% of the robot trading volume revenue and 50% of the tax, which will be used to incentivize Token holders and keep the BANANA price stable.


User Rewards

Users who complete transactions through the Banana robot will receive some BANANA in addition to revenue sharing. The criteria for BANANA holders to receive rewards are:

BANANA rewards = paid fees x multiplier (between 0.05 and 1), you can claim the rewards on its official dApp.

But as time goes by and the number of users increases, these BANANA will become inflationary. Banana has long considered this and has taken some countermeasures:

Most of the inflation can be offset through 1% treasury buybacks;

Adjust the multiplier (0.05-1) to balance token release;

Destroy BANANA to fight inflation;

The high-yield share of the token will also be favored by holders;

A robot flywheel is created (through bot increasing transaction volume - increasing revenue - increasing token transaction volume - charging more fees - there will be more taxes for repurchase, and emissions-repurchase will maintain a relatively light inflation state), as shown in the following figure


Finally, let me summarize this project. The previously popular Unibot is also a telegram robot. The robots on telegram are also gaining popularity. Currently, the number of active crypto users on telegram is indeed huge, and it can almost be said to be the IM tool used by crypto projects. At present, banana is much stronger than unibot in terms of data (in terms of overall transaction volume and fees). UNIBOT reached about 1.2 billion US dollars at its highest point, and then it has been falling. Will this project follow the same trend as unibot? I think it is possible, but the current project data is a bit explosive, so it depends on whether the subsequent data can support it, because it is originally expected to be copied. If the subsequent data grows, then it may rise again, otherwise it may follow the same trend as unibot, which requires great caution. #Bananagun #内容挖矿