On July 23, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin posted on the Warpcast platform, "I've noticed that the most successful new ideologies in the past decade tend to be very specific problem-oriented (i.e. prescriptions for specific problems), and relatively less involved in the meta-level (i.e. the social process of how to make decisions on specific issues). Here are some examples:

· Abstract libertarianism is weaker than it was a decade ago. But its version for specific issues is quite successful: such as YIMBY (housing issues), cryptocurrency field

· e/acc (theoretically involving all technologies, but in practice mainly focusing on artificial intelligence)

· The largest branch of effective altruism has shifted from the meta-level "work harder to ensure that your donations bring the most benefits!" to the specific level (such as artificial intelligence safety, and a small amount of animal welfare and global public health)

· Longevity movement

Perhaps the Cyber ​​Nation and Glen and Audrey's diversity movement are two exceptions - but overall, the above phenomenon seems to be a strong pattern. Why do you think this shift from the meta-level to the specific level happens? "
