The hidden message in Biden's "withdrawal letter" makes every American feel scared...

No one expected that US President Biden's campaign would end in such a humiliating way.

Yesterday (July 21), the current US President Biden announced that he would withdraw from the 2024 election. This move is undoubtedly unprecedented in modern American politics.

Despite weeks of crisis negotiations and calls from dozens of Democrats for him to step down, Biden's decision to withdraw from the race on Sunday surprised the nation.

Biden's withdrawal from the race can be described as "very undignified", with only a hasty statement on social media announcing his withdrawal. There was no statement from the White House and no live TV broadcast.

Even the previous excuse of "poor health" was not used.

All this raises more questions and suspicions. For example, who wrote the letter of withdrawal? When was it drafted? Was it Biden's decision, or was he forced to do so?

Even more embarrassing is that after Biden announced his withdrawal from the election, the Speaker of the House of Representatives continued to "press" him, urging him to resign immediately...


Why is Biden’s withdrawal so “indecent”?

Biden's withdrawal from the election this time can be said to be "very disgraceful". He simply announced his withdrawal by hastily posting a statement on social media.

The picture was taken from BidenX's social media account.

He even forgot at first that he had a vice president! He had to retweet a post on X supporting Vice President Kamala Harris to save the situation.

This is very different from Lyndon Johnson (LBJ) in 1968.

Why can't Biden formally and generously announce his important decisions through a prime-time televised address from the Oval Office, like President Lyndon Johnson did? Is he really so confused that he can't even read the script on the teleprompter?

Johnson's exit was seen as a responsible and honourable move. He announced the decision in a solemn and thoughtful manner in a nationally televised address, in which he said he would not seek re-election in order to focus on the major issues facing the country.

On March 31, 1968, Lyndon Johnson announced in a nationally televised address that he would not seek re-election as President of the United States.

But Biden chose to announce it so suddenly and casually on Sunday afternoon that it even made people wonder whether it was released in a hurry before Biden changed his mind.

Such major announcements by the president are usually notified to the media in advance.

According to the Daily Mail, this was made in the last 24 hours and only Biden's family and a small circle of close aides knew of his decision.

Most of his staff — both in the White House and on the campaign — were shocked, having only learned of Biden's withdrawal letter when they saw it posted online.

"No one was given advance notice before X was released," one campaign staffer told the Daily Mail. "To me, it's a crazy way to treat 1,300 campaign staff."

Biden and his team staff.

All this raises more questions and suspicions. For example, who wrote the letter of withdrawal? When was it drafted? Was it Biden's decision, or was he forced to do so?

What is the truth behind his declining health and cognitive abilities?

There is another more heart-wrenching question: who is in control of this country?

Information taken from

Related Reading:

Biden did not withdraw from the campaign with dignity, which not only "humiliated" himself, but also hurt the country, Democratic elites, donors, and liberal media promoters who have covered him for years. He also failed to show due respect to American voters who have long tolerated the "bickering between the two old men."

The Daily Mail has this to say:

"The Obamas, the Clintons, Nancy Pelosi, and every lawmaker who knew the truth and remained silent should be ashamed."

Information taken from

"I believe it is in the best interests of my party and my country that I should withdraw," Biden wrote in his withdrawal letter.

In the bland, clichéd letter, Biden declared that he had achieved economic success comparable to that of Franklin Roosevelt and claimed that he had left the country in a better state than when he took over - "Today, America is stronger than it has ever been."

At the end of the letter, Biden tells us, "We just need to remember that we are the United States of America." I can only say that the word "remember" is really appropriate.

After all, the American people do need to be constantly reminded that we are a democratic country that selects its leaders through elections, not a president controlled by a "shadow government."

He also said he would continue to serve out his term.

Can he really continue to fulfill his term as president as usual?


Democrats continue to "put pressure"

Calls for Biden to resign immediately

Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson called on Biden to resign "immediately" after Biden announced he would not seek re-election.

"If Biden is unfit to run for president, he is unfit to serve as president. He should resign immediately," Johnson, a Louisiana Republican, said in a statement Sunday afternoon.

Information taken from

Biden ended his reelection campaign on Sunday and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to take over, a major, historic move that completely changed the presidential race.

As Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Johnson ranks after Harris in the line of presidential succession.

Information taken from

South Carolina Republican Representative Nancy Mace also said she plans to introduce a resolution on Monday (July 22) calling on Harris to invoke the 25th Amendment to take over Biden's duties. "If Joe Biden's cognitive decline prevents him from running for re-election, then he does not have the cognitive ability to complete the remainder of his term," Mace said.

Hot comments from netizens

# I don’t think it matters that other leaders haven’t told us this. It’s obvious to anyone with eyes and ears that Biden has long ceased to be the man in charge and has been carrying out the instructions of unelected backroom executives. It’s only ending now because party donors have stopped funding, which is perfectly reasonable.

# It is indeed strange that such a historic moment was released on social media. If there was ever a time to address the nation in person on live television, it is now. But it is also possible that he cannot do it. To be fair, he is old and in poor health, but he says he has five months left in office. Five months is a long time in this turbulent world, and anything can happen during his term. So who is in control? What happened to America's vaunted and respected democracy?

# I'm not a Democrat, but if I were, I would want all delegates to be free to vote for whomever they want at the convention. Let the candidates be nominated and elected by the delegates at the convention. It's not right to designate someone.

# Biden should have made this decision a year ago so that the Democratic Party could hold a legitimate primary, as a democratic country should do. If Biden's health is so bad that he has to withdraw from the race now, he should resign now.

# I keep saying this. Everybody is making fun of President Biden, but the real question is who is running the country now, and we need real answers.

# I watched some clips from 2022 today. Biden was already acting very off by then. People complain about the cover up but he has had problems for years. People just weren't paying attention. We don't need to blame Jill or the media for not telling us about Biden's condition because we saw his problems with our own eyes and knew they were lying.