Effective suggestions for short-term trading

As a participant in the field of short-term trading, the first task is to consolidate your trading knowledge system, especially to deeply understand the concepts of resistance and support. Avoid falling into the misunderstanding of blindly following the trend, that is, over-reliance on the opinions of bloggers on social media, whether bullish or bearish, which are often difficult to directly translate into effective trading strategies. In short-term trading, although the market's bullish and bearish trends are important, more attention should be paid to the trading opportunities themselves, which are often hidden in the market's callbacks and rebounds.

A unilaterally rising market is not without trading opportunities. The key is to identify and grasp the buying point during the callback; similarly, a unilaterally falling market also has its rebound opportunities, which is your profit space.

In this process, accurate judgment of support and resistance levels is crucial. They are like signposts on the trading map, guiding you through market fluctuations.

The essence of trading is not complicated. The real challenge lies in whether you have a solid trading foundation. Therefore, instead of complaining about the difficulty of trading, it is better to calm down and systematically learn and practice those basic trading principles and techniques. Remember, the power of knowledge lies in guiding you to make wise decisions, so that you can move forward steadily in a complex and changing market.

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