Trump's current support for cryptocurrencies is obvious, however, the core motivation behind this behavior may be more political considerations, that is, to win votes. Some people may think that if Trump can return to the presidency of the United States, it will give rise to a big bull market that is beneficial to everyone. But this view may oversimplify the complexity of the problem.

A metaphor: Just as the ancients mistakenly believed that the crowing of the cock was the reason for the rising sun, directly linking Trump's election to the rise of the market ignores the multiple factors of market fluctuations. In fact, the long-term bull market in the market is often driven by the Fed's interest rate cuts and the influx of funds, which together push up the prices of risky assets.

When analyzing the market, everyone should avoid falling into this simplified causal logic. The rise of the market is a complex process, which is affected by many factors including macroeconomic conditions, policy environment, and market sentiment. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct in-depth rational analysis and comprehensively consider all relevant factors to make a comprehensive judgment.