This article is a compilation of real cases. It will tell the story in the first person about how the victims were deceived into northern Myanmar, what happened in northern Myanmar, and how they finally escaped back. The article is long, so please read it patiently.


"Ah, can you see it? This is scar hyperplasia, it won't heal, um, these are the wounds I got when I was caught escaping and beaten, they won't heal." Are there steel bars in here? 3 on the left and 3 on the right.

Well, I returned to China on January 30th. Because of the recent events, we were greatly affected by the masks, so I was anxious and needed to get my money back. As for this person, we had been cooperating for more than a year, and he still hadn't paid me 170,000 yuan for goods. So I called him and said that he must give it to me, but he said no. I said okay, let's meet and give me two or three so that I can spend the New Year. He said okay, he was in Kunming.


The next day I took a plane to go there. When I left the Kunming airport, I called him. He said, "I'm sorry, I'm in Xishuangbanna today." He said, "You don't have to pay to come. My friend is coming too. You can take my friend's car." Uh, when we arrived in Xishuangbanna, he said, "I'm busy. After dinner, you can come and take my friend's car." Then I took a sedan, and after ten minutes, I changed to a Wuling Hongguang. When I got in the car, the driver handed me a bottle of water. I don't know if it was because I was tired or because there was something wrong with the bottle of water. I can't tell.


Then I fell asleep. I don't know how long it was before the man called me, "Brother, we're here." I got off the motorcycle and he pointed to a motorcycle. I didn't react at the time because I was too sleepy. I was in China at the time. If I regretted my decision, I could still do it. Yes, I could still do it at that time.


I got on the motorcycle and called him. I was sorry, the number you called was turned off. I tapped him and said stop the car, I want to get off, but he couldn't. We rode very fast and went deep into the mountains. After I got off, I found that there were people from all over the country. There were 7 people in total, including me. There were 4 guards. There were 2 people holding kitchen knives from the back, shouting to move forward, saying "go, go, go". At this time, I found that I was in the green area on the map of Xishuangbanna, which was deep in the mountains and old forests. It was also an attempt. I called several times, but he just turned off his phone. I felt something was wrong at this time. Then the two people pushed me to move forward, took my phone and my bag, and took them away. He said he would give it to me later. I asked why he was robbing me. He ignored me and just told me to move forward. I was half-hearted. Then, I thought that even if I escaped successfully, I didn't have a phone, I didn't know where to escape, and I was afraid that he would cut me. Two people were holding kitchen knives, and the two people in front didn't take anything.


No one could help me. At that time, those people were only after the high salary and were very timid. I was thinking about finding another opportunity to escape. After about two or three hours, I reached a cliff. The people from Myanmar were holding a folding ladder, but they were still forced to climb up. After climbing up, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. This time it was Myanmar, and over there was China. Then I looked back and said to myself, I don’t know when I will be able to come back.


We came down to the place called Xiaomengla in Myanmar. We took a two-day car ride. There were no so-called roads there, only mud roads. Two days later, we arrived at the Laojie of Kokang. We found that the city was full of pickup trucks with people holding AKs on them, the kind we see on the Internet. They wore sunglasses and looked scary, like terrorists. At this point, it was no longer a deep pit, it was hell.

Someone from the company picked us up at the entrance of a hotel and we entered a park. Then I got on the elevator and turned to a security passage opposite the elevator. There was a man wrapped in bandages and still being beaten. The man beating him was holding a stick. The man being beaten was no longer making any sound and the white bandages on his body had turned red.


On the first afternoon, we were taken to visit. Later, we learned that the place was called the water dungeon. There was green water inside. I later heard from the Burmese guarding me that there were nails inside. It should be very deep. If you add water, it will definitely pinch your mouth. If you dare to step on the bottom, there will be nails underneath, and you will be pushed down directly. Anyone who escapes or fails to complete the task for a long time will stay in there for 7 hours. It is impossible not to excrete in 7 hours. The water has never been changed inside, and there are many small insects inside. When they beat people, they prop them up to beat you. The ground is full of blood stains, broken chairs and sticks, and the ground is full of blood stains. They beat you, and they will keep beating you, no matter if you have injuries or can bear it. As long as you can't die, I will definitely beat you. This is the gloomy place of the fraud park.


After that, we went up to the seventh floor and stayed in room 723. I and another person who came from Hunan met the person in charge. The person in charge told me clearly that this was a scam, and then played the words of my so-called friend who sold me out, "Hey, that's a good brother of mine, take good care of him", and he took his agency fee of 25,000 yuan.


What were we supposed to do there? We were supposed to date domestic women and play games. We were paid 500 yuan for 10 days of dating, 1,500 yuan a month, and commissions every eight months. We received our phones on the same day, and a stack of training materials was given to us the next day. The training materials clearly told us what we were supposed to do, which was to date. They explained all the terms used in dating between men and women, and the answers to what women should do based on their status. These things can really deceive people. Yes, they can really deceive people. They can deceive people as well as money.


There is a long section in the game chapter, because it gave me a very big and thick point. He uses N ways to determine that you are of the opposite sex. He and you form a team in the game. If you accidentally say in the game, wow, damn, if I have a certain weapon at this time, I can definitely kill you. At the end of this game, whether you lose or win, you will have a weapon in your arsenal that I give you, the weapon you want. And this weapon is not cheap. When I give you a gift worth more than 30,000 yuan, basically you and I have confirmed our relationship. The horror is that he can cheat people and money.


If you cheat people, you can sell a girl for 400,000 yuan. It's a scam. There's no way to talk about it. This is what I saw the next day. The next day we thought about how to escape. We cut all the sheets, quilt covers, and curtains with scissors and tied them into a strip. We thought about grabbing the sheets from the seventh floor and escaping from the gap between the north and west walls. Run into the mountains. The back of the mountain is China. On the third day, the company came to tell us that you have to work tomorrow, and today is the last day to rest.


On the third day at 10 o'clock in the evening, I went down following the bed sheet. I was very unfortunate. I weighed 240 pounds. Another friend was a retired special forces soldier. He had professional training. He went down with me. I was very unfortunate. I couldn't hold on and fell from the fifth floor. Well, after I went down, I suffered the most serious injury to my waist. I had a broken leg, burst fracture of the lumbar vertebrae, concussion, and almost all the ribs on my chest were broken. My arm was also broken.


I was unconscious at the time and was found by the police station. They carried me to the police station. I woke up on the way and received the only abuse I had in Myanmar at the police station. The police tortured my dislocated thigh. He shook my leg like a rope in the gym, trying to break it. He chopped my dislocated part with his foot. You fell into my hands and it was not broken yet. I wanted to torture you and break you. When I woke up, I cried heartbreakingly, begging you, please don’t shake me. But it was useless. I was tortured three times in there. He was a big official in the police station. No one could stop this. Then the police called the boss and others. The boss came because he wanted to sell me for a high price. He spent 200,000 yuan to send me from China through a small road. He couldn’t say that he threw the 200,000 yuan in vain, so he didn’t let me die.


Then, he sent me to the local hospital, called Aimin Hospital. I received treatment at Aimin Hospital that night. I knelt down in front of the doctor and said, "I beg you. I can sell my house or anything else. Can you please not cut my kidney?" In my impression, I only knew that place cut kidneys, but I later learned that this kind of cutting of kidneys is actually only done in the Middle East and Myanmar. The so-called chaebols will cut your kidneys after they have communicated and selected you. It's not that they will just cut your kidneys casually. Cutting your kidneys is useless. Then the doctor told me that we are a formal place and we will not cut your kidneys. I was given an injection of general anesthesia. When I woke up, I was already lying in the ward. There was a doctor and two guards in front of me. The guards were holding a long gun. During this period, I experienced a vomiting of blood like in the movie of Stephen Chow. I had comminuted fractures all over my body. Anyway, I was dead.


Fortunately, I woke up on January 4th, and my physical condition was better. I asked the guards if they could give me my phone. I said I hadn't communicated with my family for nearly ten days. They sent my phone to me the next day and never took it back. I contacted my family and reported that I was safe. I contacted the local uncle with a hat, the embassy, ​​and Yunnan Province secretly. Because before that, in the room on the seventh floor, I also added the local uncle with a hat on WeChat. They didn't have a good solution. The uncle with a hat told me to survive first. And the police officer in charge of criminal investigation in Yunnan Province said something to me at the end, which left a deep impression on me: saving you will not be a short process.


My wife told me that this was not a solution. She told me that there was a person who specialized in rescuing Chinese people back to China. After a balance, she chose one of them as my contact. We communicated and confirmed that I could leave from here on January 4. Then, during this period, I found that the two guards were very good at sleeping. They went to bed at around 2 o'clock and woke up at 9 or 10 o'clock. In the morning, during the rounds and cleaning time, they were very irritable and would cover their heads with quilts. So I roughly judged that around 5:30 was when they slept the deepest.


Then, around the 10th of January, I was given a walking stick so I could walk around. On January 16th, I saw a bill for the six steel nails I had in my body. It said 9 yuan, and the cost was 19,000 yuan. Even if the cost of sneaking here was 200,000 yuan, the cost of the steel nails was 200,000 yuan, and my other hospitalization expenses were another 200,000 yuan, which was 600,000 yuan. If my boss was merciful and my family paid 600,000 yuan, I could go back. If I didn't pay, I thought I might never be able to go back in this lifetime.


On January 17, the company supervisor took a long gun and pointed it at my forehead angrily, saying, "If you dare to run, I will beat you to death." We had eaten together once before, and I knew he was from Anlu County, Hubei. I thought my mobile chat history had been discovered, and if it had been discovered, he would have carried me away at that time, but he didn't, just to scare me. Then on the 18th, he gave each guard a pistol and a box of bullets. The guard didn't speak much Chinese, so he said to me in broken Chinese something I still remember, "Brother, don't run. If you dare to run, I will beat you. I won't hit your head, but I will hit your hands and feet."


January 19th was the last day before the Chinese New Year. At 5:30 on the morning of the 19th, he drove to pick me up at the gate. He could only go to the gate. At 5:30, I got up and waved my hand, but they didn't respond. I listened with a crutch, but there was no movement. I ran out of the ward building, threw the crutch aside, ran out at my fastest speed at the time, got in the car, and the driver was steering with his left hand and holding a gun with his right hand, pointing it at the outside of the hospital. The driver drove very fast on the road. When we got to the mountain, we saw a car waiting there from a distance. He slowed down his car. I thought it was over. I was sold again. I was very scared at the time. I was shaking all over. I asked him what he was doing?


"Hurry up, hurry up." I had no other choice. My clothes were almost soaked. I was so scared. I changed a car and went to the border. At the border, I met the person who was supposed to pick me up. We had agreed to give him 30,000 yuan at the border. Because my Alipay was blocked, it would not be unblocked until the next day. The next day, I was ready to surrender myself and return to China for the New Year, but I couldn't go back because no one picked me up. Yes, smuggling is illegal. You have to surrender yourself when you return to the country. So I stayed there for a whole year. It was a safe house. The man told me not to go out of the door, not to go out of the door. He said it three times, not to go out of the door.


On the night of the second day of the first lunar month, there was a gunfight outside. The next morning, the people in my hotel asked me if I was scared the day before. Well, I said I was scared to death. There were two companies outside who wanted to rob people in a gunfight. The country’s borders were not opened until the eighth day of the first lunar month. Then I took the documents and gave him 40,000 yuan. I took the documents and returned to my motherland. For him, 40,000 yuan was for completing the procedures. I asked him at the time, if you could sell me, I could be sold for 300,000, why didn’t you sell me? He said that there might be good people and bad people everywhere, and he saved almost 1,000 people.


I was fined 4,000 yuan for illegally crossing the border. I was the first one to pass through customs among the remaining dozen people. After passing through customs, I waited at a small gate and looked at the five-star red flag. I just stared at it blankly. I have never felt how important the five-star red flag is in my heart. I just dragged myself to the flagpole and felt like the dust had settled.


There were 14 people who returned to China with me and signed the contract. The police station was mainly responsible for the punishment procedures for these people who returned to China on their own. The police officer told us that you 14 people did all kinds of things, and I was the most seriously injured. There was a girl who was deceived for love at the age of 13. She escaped and returned at the age of 16 with a big belly. It was so big that her mother slapped her in the face and she fainted. The mother could not squat down to comfort her, so she could only stand there and cry with her nose covered. Then another person had both eyes blinded and blood was flowing from the corners of his eyes. The Chinese police took medicine to stop the bleeding. When he was taking a statement, this person said, "I can finally stop being beaten." This incident was too much of a shock to me.


In fact, I really want to persuade many young people like this, your so-called relatives, you haven't seen such a childhood friend for many years, or the person you have done a favor to, to tell you, I am now in such and such a place, I have a high salary, these things are impossible. The person who guarded me in that country only earned 3,000 yuan, which is considered a very high salary in his country, how can I have a high salary?


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