"Ethereum ETF has made a breakthrough! Arca approved the listing, SEC authorization is imminent, and US trading will start on July 23!"

A new era of Ethereum investment is about to begin! New York Stock Exchange Arca has given the green light to Grayscale and Bitwise's spot Ethereum ETF, and the much-anticipated listing transaction is waiting for the final authorization of the SEC. According to authoritative predictions in the industry, this historic moment is expected to come on July 23, marking the official landing of Ethereum ETF in the US capital market! Strategy Understanding--Research Institute--972331171

Not only that, the Chicago Board Options Exchange is also ready to go, with five Ethereum ETFs ready to go, waiting for regulatory approval. Once released, Ethereum ETFs will flood into the market like a flood, opening up a new channel for investors to invest in Ethereum with convenient and low barriers.

Analysts have predicted that the successful listing of Ethereum ETF will lead the wave of altcoin ETFs, and popular token ETFs such as Solana may follow closely, with unlimited market potential. The influx of institutional funds may cause a shortage of Ethereum supply, driving up prices, and investors are enthusiastic. The market can't wait to welcome this new chapter in cryptocurrency investment! #拜登退选 #比特币大会 #以太坊ETF批准预期 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #山寨季何时到来? $PEPE $CTK $AEVO