$MOTHER is good and provides many buying opportunities. Other celebrities use posting B as a means of internal transactions to raise money, but the United States takes it seriously and treats it as a project. The market value is conservatively seen as 75 million, and optimistically seen as 7.5E. After all, it is the first female celebrity doer to connect the public with the B circle.

How is this valuation made?

Fans pushed the market value to 700 million, and Ansem and B An to 3B

1. The celebrity track is a new track, there is no leader in front, and the ceiling is unknown; the valuation is to sit in a row on the same track to find a position, not to mention that they are all air B. The new track is even more difficult to estimate, and it is all a guess.

2. Celebrity B at least can attract new leeks to the B circle through celebrities, provide emotional value, convey social positive energy, set up social role models, and bring certain positive social significance. How about a few pictures, a few cats, and a few dogs?

3. Imagine you are a fan. One day, a big V tells you that she wants to do a project, but she hasn't decided what it is. But in short, she can guarantee to provide emotional value for an unlimited number of years. The big V asks you how much you are willing to help her raise money to invest in the project. And she can give you a share of the profits if the project is successful. I think the most I can accept is 100 to several hundred. IGGY AZALEA has 7.68 million fans.