#比特币大会 #拜登退选 #MEW

In the world of trading, cultivating persistence and patience is a vital principle.

Trading is not just about simply following market trends or pursuing immediate profits. It is more like a marathon than a sprint. What is involved here is a deep understanding of the market, precise control of risks, and strict management of one's own emotions.

Understand the uncertainty of the market: The market is complex and changeable. Any prediction can only be based on current information and historical data, and the future is always full of unknowns. Therefore, chasing trends immediately after entering the market is often prone to blind optimism or fear, ignoring potential risks.

Accept the reality of losses: Stop loss is an indispensable part of trading. It helps us stop losses in the wrong direction in time and avoid greater losses. It is normal to encounter stop loss as soon as you enter the market. It is important to learn to learn from every failure instead of indulging in the emotions of failure.

Flexibly adjust strategies: Market trends may suddenly reverse, which requires us to have the ability to adapt flexibly. When the trend is good, you should also be vigilant and be ready to adjust the stop loss point or exit strategy according to market changes.

Cultivate patience and self-discipline: The suffering and pain in trading often come from the desire for immediate profits and the fear of losses. The real trading masters know how to wait patiently for opportunities, strictly implement trading plans, and are not swayed by emotions. This patience and self-discipline are gradually formed through long-term practice and experience accumulation.

Believe in your own trading system: Everyone's trading system is built based on their own understanding, experience and risk preference. Only by believing in your own system can you remain calm and firm in the face of market fluctuations and temptations, and execute to the end. This is also one of the reasons why other people's systems are difficult to succeed, because everyone's trading system is unique and cannot be completely copied.

In short, the only way to become a trading master is full of challenges and hardships. It requires us to continue to learn and grow in practice, cultivate patience, self-discipline and believe in our own abilities. Only in this way can we be invincible in a complex and changing market.