In Hong Kong, a wave of financial innovation is quietly emerging.

According to a report by the South China Morning Post on July 22, the city is about to welcome Asia’s first inverse Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF), a move that undoubtedly marks an important milestone in the development of crypto financial products.

On July 23, CSOP Asset Management will officially launch its Bitcoin futures daily (-1x) inverse product under the ticker HK, providing investors with an opportunity to realize profits even when Bitcoin prices fall.

The launch of this inverse ETF not only demonstrates the market's growing and mature demand for cryptocurrency investment tools, but also reflects investors' exploration and demand for diversified investment strategies.

With the official registration of this product, Hong Kong's position on the global crypto-financial stage will be further consolidated, while also opening up new investment paths for investors.

How Asia’s first inverse Bitcoin ETF works

CSOP Asset Management, as a leader in China's asset management field, has been promoting the innovation of cryptocurrency-related financial products. Following the successful launch of the CSOP Bitcoin Futures ETF (stock code 3066.HK) on December 22, 2022, the company is about to launch Asia's first Bitcoin inverse ETF, further expanding its influence in the Asia-Pacific market.

The newly launched Bitcoin inverse product, the CSOP Bitcoin Futures Daily (-1x) Inverse Product, is designed to provide investors with an investment return that is inversely correlated to the decline in Bitcoin prices. Its operating principle is to achieve an investment effect that is opposite to the daily performance of the S&P Bitcoin Futures Index through a futures replication strategy.

Specifically, they did so by using a particular investment strategy that involved shorting bitcoin futures contracts on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, meaning the investment could potentially profit if the price of bitcoin fell.

The product is designed to allow investors to gain profits even when the price of Bitcoin falls, providing a strategic way to enter the market. The product is planned to be listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange with an expected issue price of HK$7.8 per unit, mainly attracting cryptocurrency market investors who are seeking more complex investment strategies.

However, investors need to be aware that such products carry a high investment risk. CSOP Asset Management has clearly warned that due to the extreme volatility of the market, prices may fall sharply in a short period of time, and may even fall by more than 20% in a single day. Therefore, although inverse ETFs provide investors with new profit opportunities, they also need to carefully evaluate and manage the related risks.

Hong Kong is deepening its embrace of cryptocurrencies

Hong Kong is actively integrating cryptocurrencies into its financial system. Just last week, ZhongAn Bank, one of the largest virtual banks in the country, announced a new service that will provide reserve banking services to stablecoin issuers in Hong Kong, marking an important step for Hong Kong in the cryptocurrency field.

The news comes at a time when Hong Kong is launching a stablecoin licensing regime, which requires crypto stablecoin companies operating in Hong Kong to deposit the reserve assets backing their stablecoins in local banks. This new regulation not only improves the transparency and security of cryptocurrency businesses in the region, but also provides greater confidence for stablecoin issuers and investors.

Through these measures, Hong Kong has demonstrated its willingness as an international financial center to embrace and regulate the emerging cryptocurrency market, while also providing a solid foundation for the development and innovation of financial technology in the region. #香港 #反向比特币ETF #香港金融创新 #CSOP


Hong Kong is rapidly becoming a global frontier for cryptocurrency innovation. With the launch of Asia's first inverse Bitcoin ETF and ZhongAn Bank's stabilization services for stablecoin issuers, the city has not only opened up new opportunities for investors, but also demonstrated the openness and innovation of its financial markets. However, these financial innovations also bring new risks, reminding investors that they must carefully evaluate and manage potential market volatility while pursuing returns.

Looking ahead, Hong Kong's active exploration in the field of cryptocurrency may inspire more regions around the world to follow suit and promote the construction of a more diverse and secure financial ecosystem. As an international financial center, Hong Kong has the opportunity to become a bridge between the world of traditional finance and cryptocurrency, and contribute to the development of global financial technology and economic prosperity. This is not only an affirmation of Hong Kong's own financial strength, but also a positive outlook on the future development of the global financial market.