Project Introduction

The social summer come make frens event held by ceyer and Binance web3 wallet is in progress!

CyberConnect is a decentralized social graph protocol that enables developers to create social applications that empower users to own their digital identities, content, connections, and monetization channels.


Web3 wallet task tutorial:

Activity rewards: The top 50,000 people for each NFT will be rewarded with 0.05 CYBER, and those who mint 10, 20, or 30 will share a 10,000 CYBER prize pool. Creative tweets that get a lot of likes will receive cyber rewards!

1. Portal:

You can directly copy it to the browser and open it with the EVM wallet. In the Binance web3 wallet, click the wallet link in the upper right corner, verify, and fill in the invitation code: K947L8


2. Get GAS by transferring from the bridge to the cyber chain. It is recommended to use Arbeth. Today is the first day of the task and I am not sure how much will be needed. The insurance can be transferred to 5u, and the bridge fee is about 1u.


3. Click the link on Twitter to view your web3 social score. If you have other social software, you can link them yourself.


4. Mint the first nft, drag down and move the word to the blank space in the article, fill in all the words and click mint;


5. To publish a creative tweet, you can refer to chatgpt, click post to publish, copy the post link and upload it, click sumbit;


There are only these two tasks today, and subsequent tasks will be updated continuously;

The tutorial is over! If you have any questions or cooperation, you can join the community for consultation!