ETH is such a annoying little demon. ETF trading will start tomorrow. It has been fluctuating around 100 points in the past two days. Those who haven't entered the market feel uncomfortable. Those who want to enter the market are afraid that the ETF will fall by about 20% after it is opened, just like BTC's ETF.

Those who have entered the market are even more tormented. The trading is about to start, and there is no decent pull-up yet. They have to prevent the market from reversing.

And I belong to the first type. I just want to wait for it to have a decent pullback, and then rush in with my 40-meter machete and chop it up. I don't know if the market will give us a chance tonight. Even if we build a first position at 3400, it's okay. We missed it last night and have no position. I entered MEME and ORDI last night. I dare not take three orders at the same time. The position is too large and the risk is too large. The income of these two orders is not bad this morning, so I stopped profit. I am currently short and waiting for the opportunity to enter the market.

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#以太坊ETF批准预期 #山寨季何时到来? #热门话题 #BTC走势分析 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? $MEME $ORDI $ETH 466322 55339