There is a problem that needs attention in trading. Never expect to take the highest or lowest point or all levels. It is really impossible. Rhythm is more important than accuracy. It is the direction.

If the rhythm is right, you can make money when you enter. It is nothing more than how much you can make. If the rhythm is wrong, there is no way. You will definitely lose money. There are too many small-to-large trends, too many non-standard ones, and all levels are the same. How can you take the highest and lowest points every time? What is the short trap? It is the bottom divergence.

What is the long trap? It is the top divergence. Then a conclusion is: any buying point is from falling, and any selling point is from rising. For large funds, after the operation level enters the divergence section, the more it falls, the more it buys. After the rise enters the divergence section, it is sold while rising. This is the correct rhythm.

Chasing the rise is never advisable, including the large-level rise, such as: 30 minutes, you can use the callback of the sub-level 5 minutes, or the sub-sub-level 1 minute to intervene. Why do you have to chase the rise? Chasing the rise is one of the most important reasons why retail investors lose quickly. Because of your preference, chasing the rise is a death trap. Trading is a long-term career. Even if you succeed by chance occasionally, no one can guarantee success every time!

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