The ETF will be officially launched tomorrow, and the market generally expects that there may be a correction after the good news is realized. However, looking back at the launch process of the Bitcoin ETF, from the warm-up to the official approval, the price soared by nearly 85%. Although the price fell by nearly 20% in the following two weeks, the overall The benefits are significant. Investors need to be vigilant. Although history does not repeat itself, it is often strikingly similar.

The current warm-up of Ethereum ETF also started at a key price. Although it has experienced a surge and a fall, it has fully digested the previous gains, and the market burden has been relatively lightened. Given that Ethereum’s market capitalization is about a quarter of Bitcoin’s, even a similar proportion of capital inflows could theoretically support significant gains.

Therefore, I believe that after the Ethereum ETF is launched, although short-term fluctuations are not ruled out, the medium- and long-term bullish trend will not change. The target of 6,000 points is unwavering, and investors are advised to remain patient, hold on to their chips, and wait for a new round of outbreaks. The market is constantly changing, and it is important to grasp the core logic and not be disturbed by short-term fluctuations. Continue to sit tight and support yourself, and go to the next wealth feast together. #比特币行情 #拜登退选 #比特币大会 #以太坊ETF批准预期 #币安HODLer空投BANANA $BTC $ETH