Happy #WorldEmojiDay! Here’s my #EmojiWay to define #SocialMining : 📱🎛️ 💦 🌱

@DAO Labs SocialMining gives you control over your work and future

While $BTC and $ETH are both fine and great, I believe for us the blue-collar workers of the world, the best way forward is by the power of Social Mining. I am a teacher in a small underdeveloped country, and here is my story in emojis.

Social Mining helps the regular folk to win financial freedom

I used the Mobile Phone emoji to stand for Social Mining because in my mind, a mobile phone has all the connotations of being connected to the world, including socially.

The Control Box emoji symbolizes one's own control over what we choose to do for work and which projects we will adopt - Social Mining is ALL about you willingly following a project and work to build it up, while building yourself up, financially and skills-wise.

The sweat emoji stands for work - the clean, honest work of your own mind, heart and hands, your will and creativity that feeds your passion in the projects you are helping grow.

And the growing plant emoji is how Social Mining and you grow from a seed to a strong, giving tree whose roots help others grow alongside, symbolizing a communal growth because trees grow strongest together.

Disclaimer: All the information provided in this article are for informative and educational purposes, and are not intended as financial advice. Any trades bear the risk of partial or total financial losses and must be approached with utmost caution. DYOR!