The long-term outlook for the cryptocurrency market is positive, but there are some negative factors in the short term.

If you have already gone all-in, you must bear the risk of going all-in. If the market falls, don't lose control of your mentality, don't curse, and don't sell at a loss. The return and risk are always positively correlated.

The cryptocurrency market fluctuates greatly. Don't let yourself do something you will regret because of your greed and ignorance, lack of awe of the market, and lack of professional skills.

As the bull market deepens, the test for retail investors becomes more severe.

They often only focus on the ups and downs of prices, but ignore the macro trend of bull-bear conversion. They don't know how to quietly lay out at the bottom, and it is difficult to exit gracefully at the peak.

Lack of deep insight into the nature of the market, easy to be swayed by rumors, no set of their own trading philosophy, just go with the flow, and indulge in the slight changes in account numbers day after day.

In this way, even if there are occasional gains, I don’t know how to continue to expand the results. Once a mistake is made, it is even more helpless, and it is eager to find a life-saving straw, which often leads to a bigger predicament. Not only can it not share the feast of the bull market, but it is physically and mentally exhausted and scarred. In the currency circle investment, the first thing is to establish the correct investment values ​​and distinguish between what can be done and what cannot be done. If you don’t have the real skills of contract trading and short-term fighting, but want to see gold every day, it is tantamount to seeking fish in a tree, and it is strange not to lose money. The door to wealth cannot be opened by quick success and instant benefits. The way of investment needs to be based on a peaceful mind, wise knowledge, a stable attitude, abundant cash flow, superb skills, careful strategies, and rigorous risk control. If you only seek results, don’t investigate the reasons, and don’t think about self-improvement, you will eventually be punished by the market. Even if you occasionally gain temporary benefits, if you do not think about retreating and continue to sink, you will eventually return all your capital and interests to the market. This is an iron law and a true portrayal of countless people who have risen and fallen in the currency circle.

Observation: btc, eth, zro, pepe, wif….

This recent market situation is a good time node

Prepare to ambush a potential coin with explosive pull

Also prepare to ambush some potential coins until the end of the year

Expected space 5-10 times is no problem

If you like spot, you can keep up

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