Is the "crypto storm" coming after Trump's assassination? Trump's transactions soared, and cryptocurrencies may usher in a golden age!

The thrilling scene of former President Trump at a campaign rally - the assassination attempt failed, but it accidentally ignited the raging fire in the cryptocurrency market! On the prediction market Polymarket, Trump's chance of winning the election soared to 70%, and investors bet on the "Trump transaction", and the future of cryptocurrency is bright.

Trump has turned from a former critic to a hardcore supporter of cryptocurrency. He not only accepts crypto donations, but also plans to attend the Bitcoin event, vowing to make the United States the leader in the global cryptocurrency field. His running mate Vance is even more of a "family member" in the cryptocurrency world. He is critical of existing regulations, indicating that the Trump administration may loosen up cryptocurrencies and usher in a new era of innovation.

Trump's fiscal policy, tax cuts and increased spending, may trigger an inflation frenzy, and this is the stage for cryptocurrencies to show their talents. The dollar devaluation strategy has pushed cryptocurrencies to the forefront and become a safe haven for investors to resist currency devaluation. Billionaire Mark Cuban predicted that Trump's policies will accelerate the surge in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, making investors eager to move. Strategy Understanding--Research Institute--972331171

The assassination of Trump unexpectedly became a catalyst for the cryptocurrency market. A crypto storm led by Trump is sweeping in. Are investors ready? The golden age of cryptocurrency may have quietly begun! #以太坊ETF批准预期 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #山寨季何时到来? #美联储何时降息? #德国政府转移比特币 $BOND $BETA $TIA