Matthew Ball, former global head of strategy at Amazon Studios and author of the 2022 book “The Metaverse: And How It Will Revolutionize Everything,” is re-releasing the book under a new, more underwhelming title: “Building the Spatial Internet.” The book will still be known as “The Metaverse,” but with a focus on the spatial internet concept. Despite the initial hype surrounding the metaverse, Ball believes that major players are still invested in the industry, indicating a gradual evolution rather than an immediate revolution. Meta's recent budget adjustments may seem bearish, but they are part of the typical tech industry cycle. The emergence of advanced hardware like next-gen headsets suggests potential for further metaverse development. While consumer fatigue and skepticism exist, ongoing innovations and partnerships hint at a promising future for the metaverse. The tech industry's iterative nature leaves room for growth, but uncertainties remain, as seen in the evolving perceptions of the metaverse and its potential impact. Read more AI-generated news on: