Only two equally kind and grateful people can manage the relationship well and truly achieve win-win cooperation. This applies to all relationships, including friends, lovers, partners, sales, and customers.

Some people are selfish and narrow-minded, and do not have the basic ability to distinguish right from wrong and friends from enemies. They are devoted to those who deceive and use them, and they will never leave them, just to get that little bit of emotional value or to have the delusion of climbing up.

However, they are arrogant and do not care about those who are good to them. They want to get back the losses and sufferings from others. This is stupid, and it really deserves it! It would be better if they were deceived a few more times and endured more social beatings.

In my opinion, the energy field of this world also follows the 80/20 rule. Good people are with good people, the strong help each other, and the weak tear each other apart. In the end, the good people get better and the bad people get worse. #BTC