《There is room on the rising train ---- people are waiting patiently》

People, the price has gone back to around 0.085, which is the price at which we made a profit yesterday. Many people have not yet boarded the train. Those who want to board the train should not be impatient and must wait patiently.

Judging from today's market, Bitcoin has stabilized, but the altcoins have not followed the general rise. It seems that the net inflow of US$384 million in the Bitcoin ETF in the US stock market yesterday was absorbed by Bitcoin and did not flow into the altcoins. The US stock market was closed this weekend and there was no continuous capital inflow, resulting in most altcoins not following the rise.

This is the same as what I said in yesterday's post. If the big cake really rises, the cottage will make up for the rise after it stabilizes. If the big cake is simply a high-multiple leverage to clear the short orders, then the cottage will fluctuate and wait and see.

At this time, long orders must be more cautious. After clearing the short orders, the long orders will be remembered. Either set a stop loss or wait and see to avoid property losses.

When the short orders are cleared and the long orders are cleared, it may be a good time for us to take the spot, so fans who want to get on the people's rising train must wait patiently.

Pay special attention to the 22nd. The Ethereum ETF will be listed and traded on the 23rd. There may be a pin drop on the 22nd. Maybe that time is also a good time to enter the market. Continue to pay attention to Tucker and make the most rational analysis for fans and friends.



