Why will the exchange freeze the card when selling u?

It's very simple. Some people who engage in electronic fraud, black and gray industries, and "funding" buy u from currency dealers, and the dirty money flows into the currency dealer's card. And you, who are unlucky and miserable, happen to sell u at this currency dealer, and the money flows into your card again.

When the police track the flow of funds, this string of bank cards, Alipay and other payment channels that received dirty money will be frozen.

It's okay if it's not first-hand or second-hand black money. Generally, it will take three days or half a year to submit the flow, transaction and other information, and then return the stolen money, and you can get it unlocked in advance.

Pay attention, if you encounter this situation, you must find a professional. As long as the information can prove that you are indeed innocent and agree to return the stolen money, the card will be unlocked in a month or so.

If it's a black hand, a drug dealer, even if you Even if you submit your transaction data, your account may not be unfrozen. You basically have to wait for the case to be closed or for your uncle to come to your house and invite you for tea.

The first time you are taken away, you will definitely panic when recording your statement. Once you panic, you will definitely say something nonsense, for example, you have been frozen many times, knowing that there is a risk of freezing your card when withdrawing money, and then you have browsed the browsing history of the crime of helping others on your phone. If you say something nonsense, you may not be able to get out. Stay here first and get a 37-day package.

Damn, the currency speculation was harvested, the contract was harvested, I don’t want to withdraw money anymore, but I still got arrested. The currency circle is full of pitfalls! ! !

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In the current fluctuating market changes, blindly working alone will never bring opportunities! ! !

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