THENA's Epoch 79 looks bright on #BNBChain⚡️ !!! Here are the numbers for you:

Fees: $190.204

Bribes: $53.441

Total revenue: $243.645

Compared to last week's revenue of $401.806, it's a reduction of -39,36 % ... The good news is we are still above 200k+ revenue per week! still a very incredible performance.

Total revenue from Epoch 0 to 79 -> $21.505.830

...yes !!! This $21M+ was paid out to all veTHE and theNFT Holders.

In the last 8 days, more than $224M Volume has flown to THENA. That means juicy fees + yield generated for us.

Holders Stats:

5381 Wallets are holding veTHE in Epoch 79, we have 138.656.087 locked $THE tokens.

$THE Supply:

Total: 192.468.651

Circulate: 47.207.770

That was my weekly Epoch summary. Thank you and see you again next week.