Bitcoin breaks through $67,000, and the following is the market trend analysis

Last night, a piece of news about Biden's election pushed the currency circle to a new high,

But on the other hand, most of the altcoins did not reach a new high,

It means that it is only a positive for Bitcoin, and the market funds need to wait for a few days to digest,

The altcoin has an upward trend, and the overall trend is still upward.

There will be a small reversal on Sunday, pay attention to the risks,

The specific trend needs to wait for the opening of the US stock market on the evening of the 23rd. The ETF will be opened,

The future trend is still bullish, and the positive news keeps appearing,

Unless there is a black swan event, the ETF will be passed next week,

ETH is expected to break through $4,000, and Bitcoin is expected to return to $70,000.

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