The MEME coin sector is highly dependent on market sentiment, and its appreciation is often short-lived and difficult to create long-term value. Emotion-driven prosperity is ultimately difficult to last. In contrast, Bitcoin, as the cornerstone of the crypto world, has remained standing despite all the ups and downs, relying on its deep core values ​​and broad consensus. It is one of the few tokens that can recover from the trough and set new highs. Its existence goes beyond the scope of a single ecological construction.

On the other hand, if other currencies lack solid ecological support, their value fluctuations will be difficult to predict and last only if market sentiment fluctuates. For MEME coins, without a strong ecosystem to rely on, it is more like a short-lived carnival in the market, suitable for timely exit at high times rather than long-term holding. Of course, if there is a professional team leading its ecological construction and development, the long-term potential of MEME coins is worth further consideration. In the current bull market, the rise of the MEME coin sector is an example of this logic.

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