👉 What is HODLer Airdrops exclusively for BNB holders

Binance is launching HODLer Airdrops exclusively for BNB holders. Users who subscribe to Simple Earn using BNB will receive airdropped tokens issued by projects with a large token circulating supply that intend to soon list on Binance.

Binance is committed to fostering a healthy and sustainable market environment while always prioritizing our users’ interest, and we are taking the lead to engage small to medium projects with strong fundamentals, a large circulating supply, and strong and organic communities.

👉 How to Benefit from HODLer Airdrops?

1.Subscribe to Simple Earn products (Flexible and/or Locked) with your BNB holdings.

2.Binance will post an announcement before a HODLer Airdrops of new token begins.

3.Snapshots of user balances and total pool balances will be taken multiple times at any point of time each hour to get users’ hourly average balances in Simple Earn products (Flexible and/or Locked). Binance will use historical snapshots of user balances at random periods after this announcement to calculate user rewards.

4.For example, reward calculation for HODLer Airdrops on 2024-06-11 may use snapshots of user balances between 2024-06-01 to 2024-06-07 as refreference

5.Eligible users will receive HODLer Airdrops rewards in their Spot Wallets within 24 hours after the HODLer Airdrops is announced.

👉What token is Banana Gun ?

Token Name: Banana Gun (BANANA)

Total Token Supply: 8,900,000 BANANA

Max Token Supply: 10,000,000 BANANA

HODLer Airdrops Token Rewards: 800,000 BANANA

Current Circulating Supply: 2,420,000 (27% of total supply)

Circulating Supply upon Listing on Binance : 3,220,000 BANANA (36% of total token supply)

Smart Contract Details: Ethereum

Research Report: Banana Gun (BANANA) (will be available within 1 hour of publishing this announcement)

BNB holding hard cap: User’s average BNB holding/ total average BNB holding * 100% ≀ 4% (If the holding ratio is greater than 4%, the BNB holding ratio will be calculated as 4%)

👉 CTA: Stake more BNB and receive more tokens!

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