What are the hearts of thieves, liars and profiteers like?

The reason why thieves hide their true feelings is that they know shame. The reason why robbers cover their faces is that they know they are guilty.

The reason why liars don't use their real names is that they all know they are immoral.

The reason why profiteers often go to temples to burn incense is that they have lost their conscience.

If someone does bad things and feels justified, and even lets people praise him and sing his praises, then he is really the root of all evil.

This person is actually experiencing reincarnation.

Only those who can jump out of evil karma can obtain the virtue of eternal life.

Those who cannot jump out of this will have their descendants continue to help him complete his evil karma.

The way of heaven is to benefit but not harm, and the way of saints is to do but not to fight.

For those friends who are suffering from evil karma.

The last sentence is worth 1 billion US dollars.

#骗子 #牛市布局