Do you think it is a good time to short now? In fact, the big one is still to come!

But for those whales who are well aware of the pulse of the market, the current waves are just a prelude to the feast and a trivial episode. They are announcing with an almost greedy attitude that the real carnival has not yet begun.

Just when everyone was hesitating, a whale who had won 22.7 times the brilliant record in the Ethereum wave revived again and accurately bought 2,847 ETH three hours ago.

What is more remarkable is that the operation of another anonymous whale named 0x67c is also amazing. Four hours ago, it cleverly used 6,400 ETH as collateral and easily obtained 15 million USDC from the Aave lending platform. Then, it quickly bought 4,344 ETH when the ETH price was US$3,453. This series of operations not only demonstrated its strong financial strength, but also revealed its firm optimism about the future trend of the market.

These two pieces of news are like thunder in the spring breeze, instantly awakening the market's keen perception of the movements of giant whales. They have proved with their actions that the real market peak is far beyond the current. In their eyes, the current rise is just an appetizer, and the big one is behind! It is slowly unfolding with every big purchase they make.

When we stand at the crossroads of the market, trying to judge whether it has reached the top, perhaps we should observe the movements of giant whales more carefully. The real challenges and opportunities are often hidden under these seemingly calm waves.

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