
Zug, Switzerland, July 18, 2024 – CV Labs, a company focused on building the Swiss blockchain ecosystem and startup accelerator, has announced a formal partnership with the DFINITY Foundation, the creator and major contributor to the Internet Computer Protocol (ICP).

The collaboration marks a formal milestone in the ongoing working relationship between the two pioneers from Crypto Valley, the world’s most established and regulated blockchain hub.


Uniting forces to promote blockchain progress

The collaboration between CV Labs and DFINITY aims to accelerate the development and deployment of decentralized services around the world. The combination of CV Labs’ powerful globally interconnected ecosystem and ICP’s evolving blockchain technology will promote practicality and interoperability in the blockchain space.

This strategic collaboration highlights CV Labs and DFINITY’s shared vision to sustainably grow the global economy through decentralized technology.

The collaboration will also see the Internet Computer become one of the main partners of the CV Summit in 2024 and the Web3 Center in Davos in 2025.

“Partnering with CV Labs is a natural fit for DFINITY. Their commitment to fostering blockchain innovation aligns perfectly with our vision for a decentralized internet. We look forward to working with the CV Labs community to build and scale breakthrough technologies and shape the future of the internet. By partnering with CV Labs, we can provide startups with the technical resources and guidance they need to succeed while driving widespread adoption of ICP,” said Tracy Trachsler, Head of Institutional Relations at the DFINITY Foundation.


Global presence in leading blockchain hubs

CV Labs is the ecosystem pillar of CV VC, a global blockchain investor that has invested in 66 startups in 21 countries, with active teams in tech hotspots such as Switzerland, Liechtenstein, South Africa, Germany and Portugal.

CV Labs is currently accelerating 7 new startups from 3 continents and is preparing to host global pioneers who return annually to Crypto Valley, the true birthplace of blockchain development, for the 10th CV Summit this year.


Making blockchain a sustainable alternative to enterprise cloud services

The Internet Computer is a third-generation blockchain that extends the functionality of the Internet from a network connecting devices around the world to a computing platform that hosts systems and services directly on the blockchain. The Internet Computer is currently used by millions of users and runs thousands of applications.

Applications on the Internet Computer are built with smart contracts, which provide them with the security features of blockchain, including tamper-resistance and unstoppability.

Unlike other blockchain platforms, smart contracts on the Internet Computer are as powerful as traditional software: they can serve web content, interact with any other Internet service, and process large amounts of data.

Another difference is that, thanks to a unique architecture and novel cryptographic techniques, the Internet Computer is extremely energy efficient, comparable to traditional software running on large tech companies’ cloud services and several orders of magnitude lower than competing blockchains.

Users can interact with smart contracts directly using their browser like they would a normal website - they don’t need anything else (such as a wallet or holding any crypto tokens), enabling mass adoption.

The collaboration will enable startups and developers within the CV Labs community to build, host and deliver decentralized applications directly on the internet, bypassing traditional centralized servers.


Important milestones driving industry growth

This collaboration between CV Labs and DFINITY will provide startups and developers with unparalleled resources and opportunities to build cutting-edge applications that are secure, scalable, and accessible to users around the world by leveraging ICP’s advanced technology infrastructure, the CV Labs ecosystem.

Finally, Benedek Orban, Head of Ecosystem at CV Labs, said: “Our official partnership with DFINITY is a testament to our shared vision to accelerate blockchain innovation. We have worked closely on various initiatives in the past, and now we look forward to providing unparalleled support to startups and bringing the transformative potential of ICP to a global audience.”

For more information, please read:

  • CV VC Top 50 Report is out, DFINITY is on the list



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