The airdrop industry has entered the dark ages, and this fundamental change took only 2 months to happen

Acting to report witches in May, disgusting beggars airdropped in June, and the airdrop industry building collapsed in July

The industry is declining not because no one is building it, but because there are too many termites!

Here are some thoughts from Xiaobing. Comments and corrections are welcome.

🔹Normalization of airdrop unlocking in batches

🔹Reasons for decline

🔹What to do in the future


🧌 Airdrops will be unlocked in batches

2 airdrops announced yesterday, @PontemNetwork 18 months unlock, @SUPRA_Labs 30 months unlock

Now you have to unlock the airdrop together with the VC institution? Damn! Once this practice is started, other project owners will follow suit.

Electronic beggars are unwilling but have no choice but to accept


🦖 Reasons for the decline of the airdrop industry

🔹At first I guess

Because the "value coins and VC coins" are only dumped on exchanges after they are issued, retail investors are locked in, which results in the airdrop farmers' coins not being sold at a good price, and then the vicious cycle continues, resulting in the current situation where only the local dog meme is used, and no one plays with value coins.

🔹Later I thought

Most of the project owners who issued coins in the last bull market waited half a year to unlock and sell them, so they would continue to build and maintain the coin price for their own interests. At that time, they did not know how to play airdrops and rat warehouses, and the airdrops at that time were really given to users.

Now most of the airdrops are given to insiders, and the market is crashed immediately after the listing, and they are sold at almost zero cost. It is a joke to wait for half a year to unlock them.

The financing share of the VC with strong connections can be replaced in advance through airdrop shares

Everyone is so good at playing that there is nothing left to play with. No one will take over.

🔹Finally understood

Is the decline of airdrops due to the lack of new users and the lack of new funds to boost the market? I don’t think so

There is existing capital in the market, but it cannot really take on the huge amount of unlocking and cashing out.

It is the rush to achieve mass adoption that has killed the cryptocurrency industry

It is like a giant city that has built countless high-end residential areas, supporting hospitals and schools, but has ignored the fundamental problem of lack of people.

These numerous residential areas, hospitals, and schools are the project owners. They want to collect your property fees, and they want to cash out the tokens to unlock

Trump: Crypto is in its infancy

We have so many fucking project parties, and we want them to fly rockets to colonize Mars before the baby can even walk...

Human greed, capital's pursuit of profits, and unlimited expansion

Perhaps, this industry is declining because of the desire to achieve large-scale applications.

✅What to do in the future

🔹Protect your capital

If you think that airdrops are no longer viable and you want to speculate on the hot Meme coins to get rich, then you can lose all the profits and principal you have earned in the past few years in a matter of minutes. I have no doubt about that.

Two suggestions for capital preservation:

1⃣ Just quit the circle, get back the principal, work hard, and live an ordinary life. It is also a blessing. I am not kidding.

2⃣ Deposit the principal in reliable unissued Defi, get the income from stablecoins, and greatly lower the expectations for the future

🔹Keep your job

I absolutely do not recommend anyone to quit their job and become a full-time airdrop farmer. If you have a stable job, then your pressure will be much less, and you can continue to persevere in the face of many negative airdrops. If you have to rely on airdrop income to pay off your mortgage and support your family, or even pay fixed expenses like a studio, then this dark period will be difficult.

If you are unemployed and are focusing on Web3, I suggest you start a side job that generates income:

Those who have more time can work as project ambassadors, those who are good at English can apply for modding, and those who are good at writing can write articles and take advertisements.

All of this is to provide you with a stable guarantee in the highly uncertain industry of airdrops.

🔹Persist in stroking hair

If you still believe that airdrops have a future, then keep living

If you are tired, take a week or even a month off, but don't leave the market

This round of reshuffle in the airdrop industry will not only cause small and medium-sized studios to close down, but also accelerate the demise of weak project owners

Any industry has an economic cycle, where there are peaks there will be troughs. If you always enter a new industry at the peak, then don’t complain about the times, but think more about whether it is a problem of your own cognition?


The cryptocurrency world is a place where people can learn very quickly

Trump: Crypto is still in its infancy

It is easier to get rich here than in traditional industries, but it is also full of more scams and risks.

The prerequisite for getting rich is to survive

Guys, stay inside.

Hope the next cycle peaks

We can still see each other