【Must-win】 Solv & Babylon joint airdrop, eat two fishes at once

Both projects have strong coin issuance expectations, and you can get airdrops from two projects at once.

SolvBTC Babylon will go on sale at 20:00 on July 19. The first round is capped at 500 BTC, and it was snapped up in 14 hours.

👉1. First prepare SolvBTC. You can buy some SolvBTC directly on the ETH chain through Solv Swap: app.solv.finance/swap

👉2. After completing step 1, enter through the link and stake a certain amount of SolvBTC to get SolvBTC.BBN: app.solv.finance/babylon

SolvBTC.BBN is a multi-chain Bitcoin liquidity staking token (LST) launched by Solv and Babylon, representing the staked SolvBTC plus all future Babylon staking rewards and Solv points.

🍋Ethereum, Arbitrum, Merlin, BNB Chain, Mantle users can participate without burning gas on the Bitcoin mainnet. After getting SolvBTC.BBN, you can also get nesting income from Avalon and other protocols.