The investor who traded points received millions of dollars in Bitcoin this morning.

The trader, who has made a profit of $30 million by buying at bottom prices and selling it from the top since last year, bought tens of millions of dollars in two days. This person, who bought $16 million yesterday morning, bought a new Bitcoin of 14 million dollars this morning.

The trader, who bought $16 million yesterday morning, also made a new purchase of 14 million dollars this morning, bought 30 million dollars in 2 days in total. The account currently has 463.16 BTC.

The whale had made a profit of 30 million dollars at the end of its trading transactions since last year. This person made a purchase again in two days with all this profit.

The expectation of rise continues

The crypto money world is expecting an increase, especially with the end of the Fed's monetary tightening policy. The Fed's starting interest rate cuts in September is in anticipation of the markets, but the president of the institution, Powell, persistently avoids giving a date on this issue.

According to the Fed WatchTool chart created by the CME exchange over transactions in the futures markets, the institution's expectation to leave interest rates stable in September is currently at the level of only 3.8%... This rate was 0% recently.

Markets are priced with a 25 basis point discount of 91.7% in September and the 50 basis point discount with an expectation of 4.5%.

#Bitcoin $BTC