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Blindly chasing unpopular altcoins

Investing a large amount of money in those little-known and extremely risky altcoins, dreaming of a sudden increase in wealth overnight, is a big taboo in currency speculation. These unpopular currencies often lack a solid foundation and sufficient liquidity. Once there is a slight disturbance in the market, investors may face irreparable losses. Therefore, when speculating in currencies, you should choose currencies carefully and avoid blindly following the trend.

Blindly adding positions when losing money:

When the investment loses money, some investors will choose to continue to add positions, trying to recover the losses by increasing their holdings. However, this practice often puts investors into a vicious cycle of losing more and more. Adding positions when losing money is a very dangerous behavior, which may make investors go further and further on the wrong path. The correct approach should be to calmly analyze the reasons for losses and adjust investment strategies in time.

Over-reliance on technical indicators:

When speculating in cryptocurrencies, it is also a taboo to rely too much on technical indicators for trading decisions. Although technical indicators can provide certain reference value, they are not omnipotent. If the fundamentals and actual trends of the market are ignored and only technical indicators are relied on for trading, investors may miss real investment opportunities. Therefore, when speculating in cryptocurrencies, a variety of factors should be considered comprehensively to make more sensible investment decisions.

Frequent trading to pursue short-term profits:

Frequent trading, only pursuing short-term profits, and ignoring long-term investment value and strategies is another taboo in speculating in cryptocurrencies. Frequent trading not only increases transaction costs, but may also affect the mentality and judgment of investors. In the volatility of the market, frequent traders are often more likely to lose their way, which ultimately leads to investment failure. Therefore, when speculating in cryptocurrencies, we should focus on long-term planning, remain calm and patient.

Again, at this stage, we are all laying out some good currencies.

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I won't let fans miss out in this bull market! This is the truth