"Announcement of the Winners of the 7YA Special Edition Content Challenge" 😎

#Menuju7TahunBinance : https://www.binance.com/en/square/post/10334948706825

Thank you colleagues for your enthusiasm in taking part in this content challenge. Below we update the list of winners for the Top 3 and the list of participants who are entitled to prizes.

- Top 3: Each winner will get a reward of 50 USDT (Bonus for First Place is entitled to a Special 7YA SWAG Package)

- Eligible Winners: Each will share a total prize of 500 USDT

Only participants who meet the content requirements are entitled to joint prizes👉

- Minimum 600 words (or 1500 characters) in one post

- Using hashtag #Menuju7TahunBinance

- Posts must match the theme

Prizes will be distributed a maximum of 14 working days after the winner is announced. (Especially for first place SWAG winners, please send address data to Customer Service)

Congratulations to the winner 🎉🎉

See you in the next content challenge and don't forget to join the ongoing content challenge 👉👉👉 https://www.binance.com/en/square/post/10875937178297